A chance for life extension
A chance for life extension

Some reasons few are attracted to cryonics

One-on-one: an investigative interview with Aubrey de Grey. 44th St. Gallen Symposium

Firstly, the cost appears too high. In fact, it is not as expensive as most think. For the average person it costs about $600 a year using life insurance. Secondly, it hasn’t been done yet. Of course if we could do all the things necessary to revive a person and fix all the damage of disease, the cryonics process, and death, then cryonics is not even necessary. Cryonics is what buys you the time to get to when we can do all those things and revive a person. Thirdly, and most surprisingly, most people do not want to live much passed the average current life span. Have a look at this interview of a prominent researcher in life extension. All of it is interesting, but if you don’t have the time, go to about 10 minutes into the video and watch for a few minutes. You will see that very few people in this rather large audience want to live extremely long lives. Then hear Aubrey’s response.
