If cryonics is going to work, what is actually happening now will make it possible You have to remember that we are talking about possible revival in about 100 to 300 years. What we see now are the fledgling prerequisites to make cryonics revival possible. They may not all look […]
Yearly archives: 2019
3 posts
One-on-one: an investigative interview with Aubrey de Grey. 44th St. Gallen Symposium Firstly, the cost appears too high. In fact, it is not as expensive as most think. For the average person it costs about $600 a year using life insurance. Secondly, it hasn’t been done yet. Of course if […]
In planning our own cryonics facility, we needed to find out what was happening overseas in cryonics so we could apply best practices here. A few years ago we were very kindly hosted at the two major facilities in USA, Alcor and Cryonics Institute: http://cryonicsservicesaustralia.com/…/may-2014-visit-to-a…/